David Collier

Silent Maifestos (Paintings)  1997 - 1999

Paintings 1990 - 1994

David Collier ©2018 Paintings 1990 - 1994 Charcoal, Pastles and Paint. 1994 - 1997 Silent Maifestos (Paintings)  1997 - 1999 A Documentation of an Unemployed Artist.  (Giro envelopes and Rejection Letters) 1991 - 2014

Charcoal, Pastles and Paint. 1994 - 1997

A documentation of a failed attempt at communication. 2007 - 2014.

A documentation of a failed attempt at communication. 2007 - 2014

Birmingham born artist David Collier has been producing work in the city since the late 80s while his work has gone largely unnoticed. This is by no means an attempt by the artist to remain wilfully obscure but quite the opposite.

However, attempts to get work shown in Birmingham have to date largely  proven unsuccessful, as have attempts to show work outside of the city.

Turning such setbacks into positives has often been the source of new material such as  “ The Landscape of a Modern Artist”, an ongoing work highlighting the reality that many an artist will never make a living from their work.

This bringing into question why it is there’s  such a lack of access and opportunity for unknown artists to get their work shown. Other works seen here are “Silent Manifestos”, where messages and statements are made,only to be crossed out and painted over,so words are obscured.

 This obsessive writing and erasing of text led the artist to take a closer look at his dyslexia and the ways he communicates or fails to in his work. The results are seen in a series of post cards and mixed media paintings entitled “A Documentation of a Failed Attempt at Communication”. Also seen here are early paintings and sketches from the late 80s and early 90s.


2010 – Long term display

Post card to Myself, My RSC Gallery (public winners) Royal Shakespeare Theatre Stratford-upon-Avon



A Documentation of a Failed Attempt at Communication (solo show) The Public West Bromwich.


Hidden Agenda, Group show, Ikon Gallery ,(John Bright st site) Birmingham.


Coming Around, Central collective,  Roundhouse Gallery, Birmingham.


Walsall Open, The Garage Arts and Media Centre, Walsall.


3rd Open Art Exhibition, The Clock Tower Centre, Harborne, Birmingham



Arts Council England


1994 – 1997

BA  Art & Design, UCE Birmingham.

1992 – 1993

B-Tech National Diploma in Art & Design.


David Collier

Email  dkc1234uk@yahoo.co.uk

information other

Other works

The Landscape of a Modern Artist.  (Giro envelopes and Rejection Letters) 1991 - Ongoing